Spirit of the Medicine Wheel
“The Medicine Wheel is designed from a 4” metal ring, wrapped in brown suede carefully selected to represent Mother Earth. I then incorporated four colours of beads: red, white, yellow, and black, each representing the four directions; the four elements of Mother Earth; the four colours of humanity; and the four elements of your being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each of these elements needs to be balanced equally, or the wheel will fail to roll forward in life.
At the bottom of the dreamcatcher is a beautiful feather that will blow away any bad dreams that have melted down the web from the morning dew upon the sunrise, keeping you safe as you sleep peacefully through the night. The center of the dreamcatcher has a small hole that allows only positive dreams to come through the dreamcatcher, leaving you feeling refreshed upon awakening from your sleep.
Below information is about the creation process and materials used.
Nancy A. Luis’s dreamcatchers are all handmade with high-quality materials using an array of glass beads, feathers, semiprecious stones, handmade wood features, shells, and many other materials she will weave into her work.
To start with, Nancy’s dreamcatcher frames are all shaped and hand-welded with various metal thicknesses by her husband, Albano.
Upon completion, Nancy then wraps the entire frame with various strips of leather, suede, and/or deer hide.
From there, Nancy begins weaving, using a waxed string called sinew. Traditionally, sinew was taken from the Buffalo stomach and was used as a string for many purposes, such as the dreamcatchers. Today, sinew is a synthetic material and comes in various forms.
Lastly, Nancy will write various stories consisting of dreams, intuition, or life experiences that are taking place on Mother Earth.
We are all one - we must care for Mother Earth and allow her to revitalize for future generations to come.